[May 16th 2004]

Artists Beck & Jung with Leif Svensson at IBM in Malmoe, 1966. Photo: Knut Andreasson.
Digital Pioneers at Electrohype
Electronic visual experiments in Sweden 1960-1980
Before the internet, before personal computers, even before a computer could fit into your living room, people were experimenting with digital technology as an art medium. Always active Electrohype in Malmoe are currently showing a number of digital works from the period 1960-80. The exhibition is done as a collaboration with Gary Svensson who is the author of the book "Digitala Pionjaerer". Here are a few images from the exhibition. Exhibition photos: Thomas Petersen. Artists: Beck & Jung, Lars-Gunnar Bodin, Ann-Charlotte Johanneson, Sture Johanneson, Sveninge de Monér, Torsten Ridell, Göran Sundqvist.
A note: If you have any knowledge of computer art experiments from Denmark in the same period in time, Electrohype would like to here from you! They are trying to put together a similar exhibition about the Danish scene in the same period. Any information can be sent to:
May 7-28, 2004
Tuesday-Friday 2-6 pm
Saturday 12-4 pm
S. Foerstadsgatan 18,
Click here to read the press release
Left: An untitled work by Ann-Charlotte Johannesson. Right: A view from the exhibition.
Left: Ann-Charlotte Johannesson: unititled, ca 1982. Right: A view from the exhibition.
Left: A view from the exhibition with Electrohyper Lars Midboe. Right:
Lars Gunnar Bodin: Seriella struktur, 1960.
Left: Beck & Jung:
A variaty of Chromo Cube, 1980. Right: A view from the exhibition.
Exhibition views. Right: Works by
Torsten Ridell.
Left: Sven Inge de Monér: Expanded Cube, data hologram, ca 1978. Right:
Göran Sundqvist: Track.