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June 27th 2005: 5 Faves - picked by Nordic artists

[June 27th 2005]

5 Faves - picked by Nordic artists

Granted, surfing the net for nice new stuff can be quite time consuming - and often you come across the good stuff by chance. Over the last year we asked five Nordic artist to help us surf by telling us their five favorite picks. The assignment was quite open - it could be current hits as well as all time greatests.

Here are their picks:

August 19th 2004
Mogens Jacobsen (DK)

August 19th 2004
Marius Watz (NO)

October 3rd 2004
Thor Magnusson (IS)

October 28th 2004
Sebastian Campion (DK)

March 31st 2005
Sonja Thomsen (DK)



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