[March 31st 2005]
NEWS FROM ARTIFICIAL.DK #6, Thursday, March 31, 2005
Here we are with news from the world of computer based art forms. We are happy to see the number of subscribers to this newsletter continuing to go up. If you have any tips or suggestions, don’t hesitate to drop us an email: artificial at artificial dot dk.
If in the area in May, don’t forget this year’s first New Media Lounge featuring Whitney’s Christiane Paul. See more below.
Stay tuned.
5 faves - picked by Sonja Thomsen
We asked a number of Nordic artists to name their 5 favorite works on the internet. Here is what Danish artist Sonja Thomsen wrote.
We are extremely happy to announce that the new media art curator Christiane Paul (Whitney Museum/ Artport) is coming to Copenhagen to give a talk: 'Presenting New Media: Challenges For a Ubiquitous Museum'. She is invited by New Media Forum in collaboration with CAVI, Artnode and Artificial. Date and place: May 2nd 2005, 3:00-5:30 p.m. at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, the lecture room at School of Media Arts. Kongens Nytorv 1, Entrance E, 2. sal (third floor). Also check out:
Dorkbot Stockholm is having its first meeting April 6th, 7 pm at Crac. Dorkbot is a number of organizations worldwide organizing monthly meetings to present and discuss electronic art. In short: 'People Doing Strange Things With Electricity'. First presenters in Stockholm will be KRETS - an architecture and design research group. More info: contact dorkbotsthlm at dorkbot dot org. Also check out:
Check out this brand new interview with Austrian Ubermorgen (known from e.g. selling American votes online) at: http://ubermorgen.com/interviews/neural_it_2005
This is our catalogue of computer based art we can recommend. You'll find net art, software art, classics, and a continuously updated list of new pieces. This week we have two recommendations:
‘We’ll crash your browser with content’, Jimpunk and Abe Linkoln claim at their insane blog explosion Screenfull.net (aka ‘stadium rock net art’). It certainly seems possible… Keep an eye on this daily updated page and go for a browse through the archives. http://www.screenfull.net
Israeli artist Michal Levy's impressive animation is a 3d visualization of John Coltrane's jazz classic 'Giant Steps' from 1959. The music is used as the base for the construction of an virtual architectural space and results in a colorful visual analysis of sound.
Eugenio Tisselli’s ’Degenrative’ is a website which disintegrates a little bit more, every time it is visited. Degenerative art! http://www.motorhueso.net/degenerative
French artist Colonel is on a quest for software as a way to happiness, which brings him to India.
The artificial.dk newsletter goes out to lovers of computer based art forms in the whole world. For advertising opportunities contact:
artificial at artificial dot dk