[May 28th 2006]
Sunday May 28th, 2006
Number of subscribers: 643
Apologies from the editorial staff at artificial for stalling the newsletter. What used to be our monthly newsletter all of a sudden became our very irregular newsletter.
We have been busy with other projects. Some of them are related to day jobs and raising toddlers, one of the others is called Maskinstorm. A year ago we joined forces with a group of local talented people to promote digital arts in our local area. One of our aims is to show the poetical side of digital arts. Another one is to make it accessible to a lot of people. From our Manifesto: “The works should not require a user manual or written explanations to be used – they should be self-explanatory about their usage through their appearance. Added focus is put on works that are physically manifested in rooms and not merely as data terminals with screens.” Read more here: http://www.maskinstorm.org.
This winter, Maskinstorm formulated its first project – an exhibition which will hopefully take place sometime in 2007.
Aside from that, a lot seem to be going on in our region. Earlier this year, we were thrilled to find out that Electrohype will indeed do another biennial for computer based arts. It will take place in late 2006, early 2007, in Lund, a university town close to Malmoe, where the previous biennials have been held. The two people behind, Lars Midboe and Anna Kindvall, are huge assets and we are very exited to be experiencing another Electrohype exhibition. Right now, they have a call for entries – read more below.
Another important person in this field is Mogens Jacobsen, artist and co-founder of artnode.org. He is currently involved in curating another Nordic biennial. ‘Article’ is a Nordic Biennial for unstable and electronic art forms and will take place in Stavanger, Norway in 2006. Read more below.
The sixth chapter in Artificial's unpredictable series of interviews takes us to an old friend and favorite of Artificial: Norwegian Marius Watz.
The next Electrohype Biennial for Computer based Art will take place at Lund's Kunsthall on Dec 9 2006 - Jan 7 2007. We are looking forward. Right now they call for entries to the exhibitions, The deadline is July 3.
Article - a Nordic Biennial for unstable and electronic art forms - taking place in Stavanger, Norway in 2006 - calls for art works. The biennial is try-put before the big one in 2008. The deadline is June 15. The curational team behind Article is Mogens Jacobsen, Jon Brunberg, and Juha Huuskonen.
The title of this year's Ars Electronica Festival is 'Simplicity - The Art of Complexity'. The festival takes place on Aug 31 - Sep 5.
Once again, the caves of Thingbaek in Denmark will house an exhibition of digital art. The organizers One/O have issued a call for participation for the exhibition MINE2006, which has the theme 'In Plato’s Cave'. Deadline for submission of applications: May 15th, 2006. The exhibition takes place October 28th-29th 2006. http://www.oneo.dk
The soundtoys.net website has been redesigned with a series of new interfaces and new functionality. Soundtoys.net is an artwork by Stanza and a huge curated collection of audiovisual artworks.
We-make-money-not-art has a pretty interesting interview with Vuk Cosic. "Net.art is a bit like Eastern Europe. There was lots of expectations, some of them were met, but in general we stopped being terribly attractive and scary somewhere around the dotcom boom", is one of Cosic's answers.
This is our catalogue of computer based art that we can recommend. You'll find net art, software art, classics, and a continuously updated list of new pieces. This week we have two recommendations:
In this monochrome, pixelated art piece by Trevor Van Meter you control a man flying around in a rather absurd universe of flying lounge chairs. While moving about you listen to calm, suiting music.
Golan Levin's The Dumpster (made together with Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg) has collected a huge amount of break-ups from millions of blogs. The Dumpster has an extensive interface allowing you to see similarites and differencies in all the romantic drama. The organic-like bubbles makes it quite neat. Lev Manovich has written an article about this kind of social data.
Read it here: http://www.tate.org.uk/netart/bvs/manovich.htm
Here is an absolutely lovely internet tool. It is one of the many software things that use images from flickr. This one uses letters. The somewhat oldschool design of the page is in no way related to the funky aesthetics that can be achieved via Spell with Flickr. Try it!
The artificial.dk newsletter goes out to lovers of computer based art forms in the whole world. For advertising opportunities contact:
artificial at artificial dot dk