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March 31st 2005: 5 Faves picked by Sonja Thomsen

[March 31st 2005]

5 Faves - picked by Sonja Thomsen

Granted, surfing the net for nice new stuff can be quite time consuming - and often you come across the good stuff by chance. We asked a number of Nordic artist to help us surf by telling us their five favorite picks. The assignment was quite open - it could be current hits as well as all time greatests. Here is what the Danish artist Sonja Thomsen wrote. The local audience will remember Sonja from e.g.. last years RADAR and we are expecting lots more from her ... Translation: Sofie Paisley.

It's difficult to define one's favourite clicks. There are sites I use all the time, many times a day, but as phonebooks or information channels. There are also sites I see once or twice, that are gone the next time you log on.
But there are also a few sites I for some reason keep returning to. These are mostly stationary and personal sites or web projects. They don't change their basic content and have a similar style. When I see them together, I can tell that it is because they, each in their way, challenge the medium (the internet) itself. A couple of them are real net-classics, known to many I'm sure, but which you never get tired of seeing/trying.
Buzzwords and stale phrases within web buzzwords. Sebastian Campion deals with the language constantly developed within new media. Here an f.a.q changed into a philosophical, humorous dialogue between user and webmaster.
When you are on the front page then click e.g. the pages "01", "06" or "11". Here you can see James Patterson's special uneven and personal animations. What I like about these animations is the same thing that fascinates me in really good illustrations. Patterson manages to use the digital material in a personal and playful way, which is rare.

From Presstube
like James Patterson, Yugo Nakamura appears in both design and art connections. Nakamura is an engineer and like Patterson he manages to let his abstract projects get a very Japanese (clean, sophisticated etc.) expression, which is especially anchored in the movements of the very simple elements.
Many have emulated him and copies of his flash codes can be downloaded at various places. But a real Yugo Nakamura is made a couple of years before everyone else and is even more elegant.

Clay animation from

John Maeda
As digital design/programming guru, John Maeda deals with the core of what the computer does, the specially digital without very much around it - that is, apart from his sponsor logos. Take a deeper look at the aplets from 1995-1998. Recently he's ventured into real life visual art, which he, in my opinion, should have stayed away from.

John Maeda
John Maeda

Finally this last site. Click and lean back (it's not a virus).


From jimpunk


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